Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Liebster Award - THANK YOU

Hey everyone,

So as you can see, I've been nominated for the LIEBSTER AWARD first, by the lovely Little Miss Wallflower . She is a new blogger but posts quality posts so you should definitely go check out her blog.

*SPECIAL MENTION* to because she also nominated me for the award and her blog is definitely worth checking out.

First I'll answer the questions I was given:

1. What was your favourite post to write and was one of your most popular ones?
My favourite post to write has to got to be THIS one, I feel like I'm really part of this blogging community. 
My most popular post was my NAKED BASICS post where I basically raved about it for an entire post.

2. Apart from blogging, what are your hobbies?
I like to dance, play the piano, draw, read...

3. Would you want to be a Blogger for a living?
Maybe, but I think I want a proper job as well, like I've wanted to be a doctor or something like that...

4. McDonalds or Starbucks?
McDonalds! YOU GET TOYS :)

5. Who are your favourite musicians and why?
Jake Bugg has the writes the best songs, the best style... just amazing

6. Describe yourself in 1 word.

7. What's your favourite Disney Film and any reason why??
Lady and the Tramp- because it's SO cute and I used to watch it ALL the time when I was younger.

8. Do you read a lot? What are your favourite book(s) if so?
I only like to read books that I am ACTUALLY interested in, so, SHERLOCK HOLMES by Arthur Conan Doyle.

9. If your house caught on fire, what 4 items would you save?
-myself-(vain? but i probably would) - one photo album with everyone- purse containing bank details etc...-phone ( i know,, typical teenager)

10. If you weren't human, what animal would you be?
I know people would probably be like "Birds- because they can fly- and then I'll feel free and alive and I'll be able to finally be happy"---and all that but: birds get shot...and its horrible but its I think I'd like to be a sloth- aha why not.

11. Where would you rather be; seaside, mountains or countryside?
Seaside- near the sea, sandy beaches, nice weather, ice cream/chips, what's not to like?
I nominate:

Questions from ME to YOU:

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
2. When did you start your blog ad why?
3. Do you watch youtube videos and would you ever make a youtube channel?
4. Boots or Superdrug?
5. Do you think high-end makeup is worth the money?
6. Heels or wedges?
7. When do you feel the most inspired to write posts?
8. Where do you write your posts? (laptop, macbook, phone, etc...)
9. Do you think that age is a factor in the blogging community?
10. What is your favourite season and why?
11. Where are you going on holiday this summer?

And the rules:
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • You must link back to the person that nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers (with under 200 followers) and give them 11 questions of your choice.
  • You can not nominate the person who nominated you.


lotS of lOVE,